To allow cross db usage I had to add one parameter to the source query of TreeList field.
It's SourceDatabaseName parameter.
Here is example how to get users from security database in TreeList field.
Here is the way it looks:
To get rid of broken links in this field I had to MultilistCrossDbField which is intended to validate links correctly in LinkDatabase. So, don't forget to add the line below into /App_Config/FieldTypes.config file:
<!-- Custom fields -->
<fieldtype name="tree list cross db" type="Custom.Data.Fields.MultilistCrossDbField,TreeListCrossDB">
I added support for "query:" definition into this field. Now you can use either "/sitecore/content" or "query:/sitecore/content/*" as a data source for the field.
Here is Sitecore Package for the field.
Here is source code.
very cool
Is this code still available? The links seem to be broken.
Nevermind on this question, did not see it in the shared source library.
You can get latest version from SDN. Here is the link:
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